Friday, October 27, 2006

What is it all for?

Since I started this blog in July I've been delighted with the response. Friends who I don't see very much have said lovely things like - "I feel like we're in touch again".

But this week I've been throwing some ideas around for Insider magazine in a feature about blogging. I had the pleasure of a warm and courteous exchange on the phone with the wonderful Norman Geras, though I was a little intimidated by such an intellect. He also offered The Marple Leaf a few tips - such as including a blog roll (see right) of other blogs I like. The trouble is, while Norm's is vast, the limited blogs I visit are few in number.

It's made me a little more self-conscious and I've paused before posting today, but this has also been a very busy week. I was in London yesterday to interview a top chap called Sir Terry Matthews for Wales Business Insider before heading off to the Magazine Journalism Awards. I didn't win, but felt very honoured to be named in despatches.

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