Monday, September 18, 2006


My fascination and deep love of Tintin has been tested this weekend.

The antics of the tufty haired reporter (did he ever file a story?) have been embraced by my brood who love the boxed set of DVDs. Explorers on the Moon seems to be a favourite of the boys. I still love the simplicity of The Castafiore Emerald. Some of the boys have been caught reading the books by torchlight. Bravo. Tintin is a remarkable superhero. His virtues of loyalty, kindness and courage are the foundation of the very values we encourage at every opportunity.

So why so tested? I read for the first time the English translation of Tintin in the Congo. Even the disclaimer attached by the publisher warning of "outdated colonial attitudes" can't prepare you for the appalling drawings of Africans. The violent treatment of animals is sickening. And the story is rubbish. I only bought it to complete the set. I wish I hadn't bothered.

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